
SHAEF: the Eisenhower Playing Aides - SHAEF ⇩

Free Basic Scenario - Operation Epsom ⇩

Free Advanced Scenario - Operation Avalanche ⇩

Free Advanced Scenario - Not-Nijmegen ⇩

Free Advanced Scenario - The Siege of Bastogne ⇩

A Sample Chapter - Ch2 ⇩

Another Sample Chapter - Ch3 ⇩

Video: Introduction to Eisenhower ⇩

Video: the Eisenhower Combat System ⇩


British Navy List - British Navy List ⇩

German Navy List - German Navy List

Italian Navy List - Italian Navy List

Japanese Navy List - Japanese Navy List ⇩

US Navy List- US Navy List

NEW: French Navy List- French Navy List ⇩

Nimitz Quick Reference Sheet - Nimitz Quick Reference Sheet

Operation Freya - Operation Freya

Sample Chapter - Sample Chapter 2

NEW: The “Surprise Encounter” Scenario (for surface actions with convoys or carrier groups) - Surprised Scenario ⇩


Rommel Optional Rules - Rommel Optional Rules

Rommel Errata (as of 4 October, 2017) - Rommel Errata

Rommel Sample Chapter - Rommel - a Sample Chapter

The Rommel Quick Reference Sheets - The Rommel QRS

A Sample Rommel Scenario - Sample Rommel Scenario

Summary of Unit Traits - Summary of Unit Traits

Teasers from the Army Creation Chapter - Teasers from the Army Creation Chapter

Rommel Command Posts - Rommel Command Posts (Complete)

Introductory Scenario: “Operation Brevity” - Introductory Scenario: "Operation Brevity” ⇩

Markers for Rommel - Markers for Rommel

DIY Unit Cards - DIY Unit Cards for Rommel

(Optional) Game Roster - Optional Rommel Roster

Sample Advanced Game Scenario: Assault on Juno Beach - Juno Beach scenario

NEW ARMY: The Polish Army in 1939 - The Polish Army in 1939

NEW ARMY: The Romanian Army in Axis Service - The Romanian Army

A Blank DIY Command Post (for creating your own armies using Open Architecture) - DIY Command Post


Aurelian Sample Chapter 2 - Aurelian Sample Chapter 2

Aurelian Sample Chapter 4 - Aurelian Sample Chapter 4

Sample Army Lists - Two Sample Army Lists

The Historical Essay (Chapter 18) - Aurelian Historical Essay

The Action Cards - Aurelian Action Cards

The Appendices - Aurelian Appendices

Optional Unit Labels (for miniatures) - Optional Unit Labels

Errata - Aurelian Errata

Aurelian Unit Tiles - (free lo-res version)


Blücher is Coming in 2015 - Blücher Flyer Oct 14

Blücher Sneak Peek: Army Building - Blücher Army Building

Blücher Sneak Peek: A Sample Chapter from the Basic Game - Sample Basic Game Chapter

Along the Danube: Introductory Scenario - Along the Danube

GNEISENAU the Blücher Play Aide - Gneisenau Play Aide

Markers for Blücher - Objective and Prepared Markers

Do-It-Yourself Unit Cards - DIY Unit Cards

Scharnhorst Campaign Maps - Scharnhorst Campaign Maps

Optional Army Roster - Optional Army Roster

Manual for the Hundred Days Campaign - Hundred Days campaign manual

Examples of the Hundred Days unit cards - Examples of Unit Cards


Download the Introductory Flyer:

Extra copies of the force roster for the Longstreet grand campaign - Longstreet Force Roster

The Longstreet Card Manifest - Longstreet Card Manifest

The Longstreet Living Index (MS-Word file)- Longstreet Living Index (MS-Word)

(Reduced Resolution) Longstreet Covers:

“Longstreet Lite”:

Want to try some of the Longstreet game systems for free? Download the “Longstreet-Lite” rules, a 25-page “bare-bones” simplified version of the game, which you can play with the free basic action cards, below.

“Longstreet Lite” (French Version):

The Lite rules are available in French, translated by Eudes Lefevre:


Download the Introductory Flyer:

See some sample pages from Maurice:

Maurice Lite:

Want to try some of the Maurice game systems for free? Download the “Maurice-Lite” rules, a 22-page “bare-bones” simplified version of the game, which you can play with the free basic action cards, below.

For Maurice players:

(Full-Color Cover Page for people who want an extra cover page for their PDF)


Might & Reason


View the list of excellent scenarios for Might & Reason

Want to make your own scenario? Grab the M&R Scenario Template and get started!

The Lion and the Crescent Module:

The prolific Greg Savvinos returns with another of his excellent expansion modules for Might & Reason. This time he heads East to cover the wars of the Ottomans, Persians, and Moghuls in the twilight of Asia’s great ‘Gunpowder Empires.”

Sun King Module:

All you Marlborough fans can download Greg Savvino’s Sun King module. Greg has seamlessly adapted Might & Reason to the Nine Year’s War, the Great Northern War, and the Spanish Succession, complete with Army Lists, Officers, and points-based DIY.

Alternate Russian Army List:

Phil Karecki and I were talking about trying to craft a Russian army list that would better reflect the various Russo-Turkish Wars. If you’re interested, this alternate page replaces the Russian army list in the book, and does (I think) a better job differentiating between the Russian SYW army and the forces they sent against the Turks in the 18th Century.

Official Errata:

Updated errata to cover the corrections in the Second and Third printings.

Extended Play Example for New Players:

David Williams has written this very valuable annotated play-by-play account of his first game, in which he both reviews and explains many game concepts for first-time players.

Play-Aids in French (Aides de jeu en français):

Nowfel Leulliot and his West-Paris game club (“Les Immortels”) have prepared French-Language versions of the game charts and quick-reference sheets, plus a French army-builder spreadsheet.

Tips and Tactics for New Players:

Organized by the nationality of your preferred army, this set of well-tested tips and tactics comes from the many DIY and tournament games played by the NJMGS Club in New Jersey. Highly recommended for new players, or those choosing which army to collect.


Freejumper Quick Reference Sheet:

The Freejumper Appendices

All the system cards and ship interfaces that you need to play the game are available as a free, printer-friendly download. (If you prefer the professional, full-color version, you can order them from DriveThru Cards.)

Some Freejumper Sample Pages:

Your Majesty